Sunday, June 19, 2011

Compare our Method with your Classmates! (Math Poster Challenge!)

Read over your classmates responses to the Math Poster Challenge!

a) Name someone who used a similar method as you used for at least one of the rows.

b) Name someone who used a different method to determine the number of hearts in a specific row. Do you agree or disagree that this alternate method will produce the correct answer?

c) If you were not able to solve the problem on your own in class, read over your classmates' explanations to see if you can figure it out now. Whose response helped? Use your own words to describe how they solved the problem.

Math Poster Challenge!

Every day Ms. Distelrath likes her Michigan Wolverines more and more! She has decided to put up a huge poster showing how her love increases each day. Row one represents day one, row two represents day two, and so on. Continue the pattern to determine the following:

a) How many hearts are there in row 10?

b) How many hearts are there in row 200?

c) How many hearts are there in row x?

First, work out the problem on your own. Then answer the following:

a) How did you determine how many hearts are in row 10? How many hearts should there be in row 10?

b) How did you determine how many hearts are in row 200? How many hearts should there be in row 200?

c) How did you determine how many hearts are in row x? How many hearts should there be in row x?

(If you could not determine how many hearts are in each row, describe at least three methods you tried to use.)

d) Did you check your answers to verify that you are correct? If so, how did you verify? If not, check them now and describe what you did.

e) Which row (row 10, row 500, row x) was the most challenging to figure out? Why?

Introduce Yourselves!

Welcome to math with Ms. Distelrath! I am excited to get to know you and for you to get to know each other! To get started, please respond to this post with an introduction about yourself. Please identify the following:

*Your first and last name
*Your least favorite AND favorite parts about math (I know you have LOTS of favorites!)
*Tell us about any sports, extra-curricular activities, hobbies, or interests you have or are involved in.
*What is one goal you have for this school year? (This can be related to math, school in general, sports/clubs, personal lives, etc!)

Thanks for sharing! I look forward to our year together!